今年迎來成軍 25 週年的 Coldplay,即將於 10/15 帶來第 9 張大碟《 Music Of The Spheres 》。每每發行總是引起樂迷熱烈討論的他們,這回不僅星際科幻風為主要風格,更使用了 emoji 符號為專輯中的 5 首曲目命名。新曲首播與位於國際太空站的法國太空人 Thomas Pesquet 連線對話,在鋪天蓋地的宣傳上也運用了大量的外星文,吸引目光。
除了在宣傳上下足功夫外,這次也同步推出了 6 片裝的卡帶套組,封面為 6 款不同的星球造型,併在一起後,外盒側邊則會出現此張專輯主視覺,再次呼應了專輯的創作核心主軸:「你我都是最獨一無二的個體,不要害怕和別人不一樣。」因著你我的不同,才能形成這個精彩的宇宙。
Coldplay, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, will release their 9th album "Music Of The Spheres" on 10/15. The album use interstellar science fiction style as the main style, but also the emoji symbol is used to name the 5 tracks. The first broadcast of the new song was a live conversation with the French astronaut Thomas Pesquet on the International Space Station, and lots of extraterrestrial texts were also used in the overwhelming propaganda, which attracted attention.
In addition to publicity everywhere, this time also launched a 6-piece cassette set with 6 different planet shapes on the cover. After being put together, the main visual of this album will appear on the side of the outer box, echoing again the core theme of the album creation: "You and I are the unique individuals. Don't be afraid to be different from others." Because of the differences between you and me, this wonderful universe can be formed.

《 Music Of The Spheres 》Coldplay ( 2021 Atlantic Records Warner Music )
