Music is inseparable from everyone’s life. When listening to a song, in addition to feeling the emotion in the tune and singing, in fact, the rise of a style of music contains many backgrounds and cultures of the times. It's like when you meet a new friend, you'll want to know more about him. In view of this, we hope to sort out the context of the music through our project. When you know this, you may be able to get closer while listening to the song.
【過去篇】80年代的未來感:從 Cyberpunk 到 Vaporwave
Future Funk 風格 From the Prospector
卡帶是一個屬於上世紀的產物,今日我們運用網路媒體重新整理並傳播卡帶文化,希望這個老物件能夠持續留存。這種新與舊結合的想法,讓我們聯想到同樣融合新舊風格的Future Funk。也因此,首發專題便選擇從 Future Funk 切入。Future Funk ,又稱「未來放克」,一種源起於網路的音樂類型。最大的特色就是取樣自 70 年代至 90 年代初期的日本 City Pop 流行樂曲,加入電子節奏及 French House 曲風,形成帶有復古風格的舞曲音樂。
Cassette is aproduct from the last century, which in nowadays, we still trying to use thenetwork and digital media to renovate it’s culture, while hoping this old object could last as long aspossible. This idea whichhas merged both thoughts of young and aged, reminds us of Future Funk, which is also combined the newness and a touch ofclassic, thus, the topic of the very first issue has clinched: Future Funk. Future Funk is a musicgenre that originated from the Internet; it is a sample-based form of Japanesepop songs during the 70s to 90s, which formed out of the electronic beats andincorporated other elements of French House, then became a vintage-like disco music.
1982 年《 銀翼殺手 》( Blade Runner ) From Imdb
讓我們先從 Cyberpunk( 賽博龐克 )說起( 要細說 Cyberpunk 的話,應該又是另一個專題了( 笑 ),所以我們會以概要的角度切入 )。Cyberpunk 一字源自「 Cyber 」( 有一說是與資訊相關的 「 控制學 Cybernetics 」 一詞有關,但現今多指「網絡」)+「 Punk 」( 龐克 )。原是科幻小說的分類之一,作品多在 1980 年後出現,這類小說的背景大部分是以 「 高端科技 」 對比 「 低階生活 」 為主,許多著作所描寫的內容實在太具畫面感,因此相繼被翻拍成電影,包括 1982 年《 銀翼殺手 》( Blade Runner )、1999 年起 《 駭客任務 》( The Matrix )系列等,均為人所熟知。這股風潮於 1982 年起在東西方遍地開花,西方有科幻小說家 William Gibson 在寫經典著作《 神經喚術士 》( Neuromancer );而東方有日本漫畫家大友克洋開始在連載他的漫畫《 阿基拉 》( AKIRA ,後來翻拍成電影,成為日本動畫電影的里程碑,在東西方都有極高評價 )。藉由這些作品,我們可以理解 80 年代的人,是如何想像未來的世界,而這樣的想像,也深深影響其他的文化領域,在電玩界、時尚界、音樂界等都能看到 Cyberpunk 的影子。
Let’sstart with Cyberpunk, (if we want togo in to details, it might be another indiivdual topic, so we would talk aboutit rather briefly). The word Cyberpunk isoriginated from the term Cyber,(there’s also another interpretation of another etymon Cybernetics, related to information, which refers to network,internet today) plus Punk. At first,it’s a category of science-fiction novels that appeared mostly after 80s, and this type of fiction usually set up in a background where we compared thehi-tech phenomenon and the low level life, they all pictured their content well-vivid, therefore many of them has adapted into movies, included very well-known ones: Blade Runner(1982), TheMatrix Series since 1999 and so on, thetrend started to go viral in both western and eastern culture in 1982. Western wise we have William Gibson with his masterpiece- Necromancer, in eastern culture we have Japanese manga artist Katsuhiro Otomo with his best knownmanga: AKIRA (which is also an animated film adaption, and has became alegend later on in Japanese animated movie history, and highly ranked in the whole world), via these works, we could understand better the people in 80s, comprehend how they imagined the future world, and this imagination has as well influenced deeply other culture fields, for example in video-games, fashion and music industry…etc, Cyberpunk is all aroundever since.
1988《 阿基拉 》( AKIRA ) From Imdb
2010 年初期在 tumblr 上崛起的 Vaporwave( 蒸氣波 ),便是受到 Cyberpunk 影響,並隨著網絡發展,逐漸成為一種獨立的藝術運動。不只是在音樂方面,也常看到以 Vaporwave 為主題所創作的藝術作品、服裝飾品等時尚風格。
Duringthe early days of 2010, Vaporwave hasrevealed on tumblr at first, it is a micro genre of electronic music which alsoinspired by Cyberpunk, and has grownvia the network and internet, then turned out to be more or less like an art movement, unique, and independent. Not only the impact on the music industry, Vaporwave has later on transformed intoa new theme of art works; a fashion style, and applied to accessories and so on.
Vaporwave 視覺作品 From VOCAL
視覺藝術家 Dom Sebastian 的服裝品牌 2020 春夏作品 From www.DomSebastian.com
回到音樂上,Vaporwave 曲風取材自美國百貨賣場常播放的融合爵士樂( Fusion )、70至 90 年代日本流行樂等,透過變速( 多為放慢 )、重複、Lo-Fi 音質等手法,展現獨有的復古氛圍。視覺表現上,其特色是採用錯訊藝術( Glitch Art )或早期電腦網路剛誕生時的影像設計等,可以看出虛實交錯、科技與傳統、一如 Cyberpunk 所建構的對比世界。而在文化層面表現上,某種程度也傳達出對於資本主義的批判,抑或對於當下政治、社會的不滿。Vaporwave 的創作者或追隨者,將其風格稱為「美學」,並使用全形字符寫作AESTHETICS作為代表。美國創作者 Macintosh Plus 在 2011 年發表的專輯《 Floral Shoppe 》,其作品的風格、元素( 8 次元圖案、霓虹色、雕像等 )為 Vaporwave 奠定了基礎,成為 Vaporwave 最經典的代表專輯之一,其中的〈 リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー >一曲,更被視為 Vaporwave 國歌。
Back on it’s music impact, Vaporwavehas a style which has drawn on Fusion music- symbolized Customer Capitalism States, and also on the Japanese pop music during 70s to 90s, along with theapplication of slowed-down chopped and screwed techniques, looping, and other effects, for its visual impressions, the typical Vaporwave music has an unique retro vibe, the essential quality isthe visual design which used Glitch Art or based on the visual design in theearly days when the Internet and computer were just developed , therefore wecould see a world that seems virtual but also life-like, traditionally hi-tech,as how Cyberpunk has built. Inanother hand, Vaporwave hasculturally provoked the capitalism, as well the un-satisfaction against thepolitic and the society. The artists and followers of Vaporwave use the term“Aesthetic’in capital letters to represent its value, in States, thealbum FloralShoppe (2011) by MacinotoshPlus, it’s music style, patterns in eight dimensions, neon colors andsculptures…etc, all these elements have established a great foundation of Vaporwave, and the album has became oneof the most representative albums, and the two tracks in it : リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー have been seen as the anthemfor Vaporwave.
2011 年 Macintosh Plus 《 Floral Shoppe 》
台灣目前也有音樂創作者從事相關樂曲創作,如 Farragol。Farragol 於 2013 年起創作 Vaporwave 音樂,而台灣首個 Vaporwave 相關音樂廠牌「 Mhz 通信販売 」,便是由 Farragol 與其友人所創立。現在也透過音樂表演,傳遞著 Vaporwave 文化。
InTaiwan we also have artists such as Farragol, who has started working on Vaporwavemusic, and the first Taiwanese label of Vaporwave music: Mhz, is also foundedby Farragol with his friends, which keeps promoting Vaporwave culture via livemusic and concerts today.
Farragol《 VACUUM 》 From Farragol
1980 年代的 Cyberpunk 是以文字創作出 2000 後的未來影像;2010年代的 Vamporwave 則是透過音樂結合過去的影像,呈現出八零年代的未來感。二者截然不同的思考模式所展現出的作品,都是那麼的令人驚豔,讓「新」與「舊」不再是相對詞,而成為彼此的養分,對次文化有深刻的影響。
In 80s, Cyberpunk is a fantasized image after millennium that made of words, yet in 2010 Vamporwave was combining the images from the past through music; it has represented a sense of future in 80s. Each of them has totally different patterns of thinking, but they are both unexpected and inspiring that makes “New” and “Old” no longer two concepts in opposite but became nutrients to one another, plus, they both have had influenced on subculture tremendously.
Cassette Hunter カセット ハンター 首發專題同名卡帶EP《 Cassette Hunter: Future Funk 》