《 Happier Than Ever 》Billie Eilish ( 2021 Interscope )
Billie Eilish 出道以來便備受注目,更在 2020 年第 62 屆葛萊美獎上,成為首位同步拿下最佳新人、最佳專輯、年度專輯和年度歌曲的女性得獎者。與慵懶呢喃歌聲有著極度反差的造型,也是大家討論的焦點之一。今年伴隨著全新造型,即將帶著第二張全新大碟《 Happier Than Ever 》回歸。
Billie Eilish has attracted attention since her debut, and at the 62nd Grammy Awards in 2020, she became the first female winner to simultaneously win Best New Artist, Best Pop Vocal Album, Album of the Year and Song of the Year. The appearance that contrasts with the lazy singing is also one of the focuses of discussion. This year, she announced the new album "Happier Than Ever" with a new look.
Billie Eilish はデビュー以来注目を集めており、2020 年の第 62 回グラミー賞で、彼女は年間最優秀楽曲賞、最優秀新人賞、年間最優秀アルバム賞、年間最優秀レコード賞の主要 4 部門を同時に受賞した最初の女性受賞者になった。今年は新しいスタイルで、2ND のアルバム「Happier Than Ever」とともにカンバック。